ビジネス、お礼、各種お祝い、お歳暮。香典など様々なシーンで活躍する和紙の一筆箋です!このおしゃれな和紙の一筆箋でメッセージをもらうと相手も嬉しいもの!はがきのように格式ばっていないので書き方自由!気軽に日頃の感謝を一言添えて相手に渡してみましょう!====Business, thank you, various celebrations, year-end gifts. These washi penmanship are useful for various occasions such as business, thank yous, various celebrations, year-end gifts, and incense offerings! The recipient will be happy to receive a message on this stylish Japanese paper postcard! It is not formal like a postcard, so it can be written in any way you like! Feel free to add a word of thanks and give it to the recipient!